The sensible use of natural resources and protecting the environment are important parts of our environmental policy.
Below you will find a few examples of specific measures we are implementing.
The waste pyramid refers to article 6 of the KrWG (act on promoting recycling management and ensuring environmentally-friendly waste management). In the waste hierarchy listed below, you’ll find the measures we have implemented with regard to waste management.
Waste prevention
Other usage
Waste disposal
Quote from article 6 (2) of the KrWG:
“Based on the ranking pursuant to paragraph 1, priority shall be given, in accordance with articles 7 and 8, to those measures which best guarantee the protection of people and the environment in the generation and management of waste, taking into consideration the precautionary and sustainability principles. The entire life cycle of the waste shall be the basis for considering the effects on people and the environment pursuant to clause 1.
The expected emissions, the degree of preservation of natural resources, the energy to be used or recovered and the accumulation of pollutants in products, in waste for recovery or in products derived from them shall be taken into consideration in particular.”